Thursday, November 6, 2008

FAREWELL ANABELLE - Thoughts On A Community In Crisis!

The plan was simple - I was going to have a few drinks, loosen up and settle back to babble on endlessly about the recent events leading to Anabelle's departure from us and the actions of her oxygen wasting boyfriend that lead to it.
But first I would give it a few days and ponder exactly what to write, because even in this lovely society where freedom of speech is an enjoyed commodity, one must still be significantly careful when it comes to their journalistic endeavours.

During this time I have had chance to talk to some of my dearest friends in the Filipino community.
I have also had time to hear the rumours being spread around about the barkada and myself from one of the people I once held as one of my dearest friends, Anabelle. It would seem no time has been wasted adopting the 'bending the truth' edict of her new found pal, or to stab in the back those who would never have caused hurt without justification.

These talks have brought me to the realization of a few things.

Firstly, that any further bothering about this boyfriend just justifies the existence of someone who really doesn't deserve it. Its not for us to waste time and judge, god and karma will do that in their own sweet time.
Love is blind - we have all experienced that. Nothing will change it and it is pointless trying.
We have all cast aside friends in the past due to love, although admittedly most of us don't go on a rampage of stabbing said friends in the back, but hey we are all different.

Secondly, and most importantly, the scary realization of how little friendships seem to mean in the Filipino community here.

It is this second part that is probably what finally leads me to post today.
As per my earlier plan, I have had a couple of drinks to loosen up and avoid any restraint in my words. Unlike some of us more ego driven human examples, I am speaking from what I feel is the truth and not just what I want people to hear.

Stop and think for a moment. How many friends do you have in the Filipino community?
I don't mean acquaintances, or people you occasionally hang out with. I mean people you see every day or two, people who you can talk to about your deepest problems, people who you truly can share your thoughts with and trust them to always keep it to themselves?
How many could you really expect to stick with you through good times and bad times - thick and thin?

Honestly? Lets not delude ourselves by including that old Filipina from two suburbs away that you see at the club every few months or so - I mean real genuine friends.

Unless you are an incredibly lucky person, I have yet to meet one, then you probably are left with a very small number of people.

Am I alone in thinking this is sad? I don't believe so. Yet back stabbing, rumour inventing and hatred lives on in the community here as a daily event. I've heard a few examples of Filipinos being warned about their fellow people before they first arrive in Australia, or ones who have returned to the Philippines so disenchanted with it all that they would rather be back home where people hadn't changed.
I was recently made aware (yes I do research this stuff totally) of a restaurant in Albury that had to sack all their workers due to the rumours and back stabbing.

Looking at my experience alone shows a very sad tale.
Those who know me know that I LOVE the Filipino community and get very involved with it here.
Perhaps I am a sucker, but I endlessly go out of my way to help my Filo friends wherever possible and am happy to do so. Indeed those ones dearest to me are forever kind to me as well and I really could never imagine life without them.
Over the years I have met many people here, it would not be to ridiculous to say that it would be a figure well over 100. The earlier days were spent trying to meet as many as possible, making as many friends as possible and spending time together singing, eating, chatting etc.

So 11 years on, what do I find for myself?
I have two (I thought there was three until Officer Ego came along) who fit the description outlined above. Two out of over 100 people.
Doing better in the figures is those who have stabbed myself, or someone dear to me, in the back in a big way, this figure now floating around the 10 mark.
Far greater in the figure of people you just don't wish to know due to reputation, or who are among that rapidly growing crowd who feel they are better than their fellow people because they now have money, which, I may point out, was married in to in 95% of occasions and thus removes justification for their arrogance.
Sadly all is not lost, one thankfully also has a great selection of Filo friends who I occasionally get together with and have a wonderful time. All are awesome people and its an honour to have them all as friends. They all know me well, so all the false rumours being spread are usually fed back to me after they are said (yep that includes yours officer).

What we must all ask ourselves is whether or not this is what we want for the community here in Australia? The reputation is already being made known in the Philippines - to those who are in the process of, or planning to come here.

Personally I think its sad that everyone doesn't look after their fellow country-person here, you are all united by one very important factor, you are all Filipino. Should you not be proud of your heritage and stick together - instead of trying to deny it and stomping on everyone in a deluded effort to get to the top?

These are just my thoughts - please feel free to either give yours in the comments section below or just ignore it altogether. :-)

Another dictator we prepared earlier!

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