Monday, April 27, 2009


Well part 1 anyway.
Given I am actually sitting here growing steadily more sick and trying to put together around 10 postings to automatically show over the next few weeks, I really don't have much witty to say.

As mentioned earlier - we took the kids and Brock's friend Eric to see the Star Wars exhibition at the Powerhouse Museum over the school holidays. While I am a confirmed Trekkie, I do have to admit to a certain tingling in the panties at the thought of seeing these things in real life.

Please join us for a look at this great display, one that is supposed to close shortly, possibly by the time this post is scheduled to show.
Part two will follow in two days and show the balance of this show.

Star Trek is certainly popular with the hornbags, this one showing up around the same time as us.

This hornbag was walking away from the Powerhouse Museum, so likely had next to no Star Wars interest.
Still we shall forgive her, on account of her being cute.

More irresistible eyes so close to the museum.

The excitment mounts - time to go inside!

No sir - we are loyal to less scummy members of the Federation!

Two R2-D2s and Scotty. Can you tell the difference?

Time for a Millenium Falcon BONER!

This was a stunning model and 15 shots were soon spent of it.
Want to do some Photoshopping with this as soon as time and health presents itself.

This was always my personal favourite, the Y Wing.
Think it was more Star Trek/Battlestar in appearance.

Can't get enough Millenium Falcon.
It was perhaps prophetic that Sydney's trains of the same name were also less than reliable.

Oriental hornbags into sci-fi!
A dribbly foaming geeks dream cum true!

Tie Fighter!
Twas time for a second box of tissues.


Stay tuned friends (past and present)

In two days time part 2 of this exciting event will unfold, followed only two days after that by a Filipino invasion of Chinatown and Paddy's Markets.

Plus a number of humourous posts are also programmed into the timer.

Please enjoy!!!

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