Monday, April 27, 2009


Hi all and welcome back to the second riviting installment in the Star Wars trilogy, well my version of it anyway.

Oh and while we are on the subject of sci-fi, not many more sleeps until the next


Woohoo, am going to be one of the first in to see that. It has been recieving positive ratings by the critics and reporters far in excess of those usually gained by an upcoming Trek movie, so this looks like being a good one.
Hopefully it will lead to saving the franchise which has been a little down of late.

Anyway back to the reason we are here, Star Wars and hornbags!!!

A Sandcrawler as seen in the first movie made, which was the fourth in the series. Yes rather a strange way to do things, but thems the breaks.

One of the creatures that used the Sandcrawler.
They were called Jawa or similar.

Hornbags enjoy getting their photo with the costumes.
So I lent them a hand by taking my own.

Think it is called a Sandspeeder or something.
Saw quite a bit of use i the 1st movie, 4th in the series.

Can't remember what these were called, but Han spilt a megatonne of ones guts all over Luke to keep him warm.

"Aswang are to be avoided they are"
Ahhhhh Yoda, he launched a couple of decades of bad voice impersonations worldwide.

My personal long time favourite - R2D2

C3P0 takes a bit of a breat between sessions!

Scared the heck outta Scotty!

Took a few stitches to fix up my hand.

R2D2 and C3P0 debate the Philippine language!

A hornbag is somewhat enthralled by the C3P0 discussion!

Beware - its another potential gossiping, trouble causing, lying person within range.
You can never be to sure nowdays!

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